Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The last assigment from Empowerment Through Movement...thought you might like it!

Assignment 8

Here we are at the end of 8 amazing weeks!  Pride and JOY shall be on the list and new habits have been formed to last us a lifetime!  Happy dancing and supreme giggles of delight are also welcome ;)!  A word on motivation.  It is not created from outside of ourselves, it is created in the act of doing that which we want to achieve even when we do not feel like it or think we need motivation or inspiration, those two lovely words will come to us only once we have BEGUN to move forward in any direction.  It is often thought that motivation and inspiration come from outside of us or are meant to be grasped at fleeting moments from some outside divine force.  The truth is that they come only from within us, from OUR own divineness, that takes the form of putting one foot in front of the other, perserverance, accomplishment and follow through and and also by being still and listening.  Once we KNOW what we want small steps of action are required.  These small steps, getting up earlier, making that phone call, writing that article, doing the workout, changing to healthier eating, arranging that babysitter, whatever it is that we have been meaning to do that we haven’t will feel like HUGE steps in the beginning.  Each time we do them they will get easier.  The whole point is that we get to experience something that is uncomfortable, foreign, new and different.  THAT is what takes us further on our path and provides a gigantic platform for our unfoldment.  Each new act in the direction of what we want, that is all it requires to achieve greatness.  

A word on integrity, simply put it is the promise to keep our word, that’s it.  Simple right?  But not easy.  So if we make the statement I am going to workout 4 days a week that is a promise to ourselves, one we have committed ourselves to keeping.  This applies, like most things, to all of life really..keeping our word..not just to others but to ourselves as well.   Now being women, we have a more flexible approach to integrity, we often change our minds.  I said I am going to help the neighbor..but baby is a puking..change of mind happens.  Help the neighbour tomorrow, keep your word.  There will always be a new opportunity to keep your word, life is like that..abundant…there to support and hold us and nudge us to being the best we can be, without fail life keeps its word.

(SIDE NOTE:  I have..many times..had to drag my sorry little self to my workout space..force myself to put in the dvd..and then force myself to not only finish the ms but then actually get up and put in the cardio and drag myself through that too..sometimes angry about a three year old, doing what I don’t feel like doing and pouting the whole time..EVERY time I have done this…WOW…I felt GREAT!  And my entire perspective about myself and my day..has been transformed.  It is worth it EVERY time.)

Part 1:  Write your commitment to yourself.  Your commitment for this week, this month and the next six months.  Workout or otherwise.  Stick it to your fridge.

Part 2:  Write these words..all pretty and with glitter if you feel like it..feel free to add to this list…and stick it to your fridge or some other place you will see it often!
You are free.
You are powerful.
You are good.
You are love.
You have value.
You have purpose.
All is well.
from the book Ask and It Is Given—if you feel like it add to this or make your own.
Read this everyday for a minimum of 21 days..say them to yourself in the mirror..sit with them..feel them..incorporate them into who you are..they are the key to who you really are.

from my heart to yours...

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