Monday, October 24, 2011

ooo...hmmmm..scary stuff..just in time for halloween ;)

Sometimes looking into and at those dark recesses of our mind can seem scary. That is only because we believe we are going to see something we don’t want to or that the boogy man lives there. Now is that true? How many times has your behaviour made you feel ashamed or angry or sorry or sad? How often during the day do you have ugly thoughts about yourself and others..they seem to rush in uncensored and so natural that we hardly notice they are there..we are just used to the feelings of unease, doubt and depression. We THINK looking at our dark emotions is painful, that if we actively seek them out to look at somehow we are going to be eaten by the boogy man or woman and we will disappear forever in the murky underground. The thing is..we are already disappearing each time we have a ‘bad’ day or many strung together..who calls that living? We are in the underworld thinking we have no control so we let our thoughts control us, fearing to look them in the face and see them for what they really are..BOOGY MEN..meaning..make believe..a story we accept as truth..basically dark fairytales for adults. When we begin to explore both the behaviors we don’t like in others and those that we don’t like about ourselves..and lets get really honest here...aren’t they one and the same?, we get to find out the truth behind the fairytale, that it is just a play of the light and shadow that had us scared to go in the celler, that it is indeed the wind and not a ghost, that we ARE the light in the darkness and that infact the darkness is exactly the same as the light. If you are standing in a dark, completely silent room, you see nothing, you hear nothing..most of us are apprehensive..if not outright terrified because of what we do not know, what we cannot see. So turn on the freakin lights!! You will find a room filled with gifts..called..freedom, grace, gratitude, reality, happiness, love, acceptance, openness, and the greatest one of all understanding.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

an intense truth

Walking into the fires of hell is the only way to know what is on the other side. We live in our own created hells everyday, thinking we are comfortable there, afraid to believe that there is anything other than what we imagine in front of us. We naively believe that it would take too much work, too much effort to actually change the way we see ourselves and the world. So we remain on the treadmills of our own created hell, suffering..innocently. The only thing we risk by taking a chance at loving ourselves and then others is the comfort of what we perceive to be out lives. Most often when something feels uncomfortable we back away from the heat, afraid to be burned. What we don’t know is that the fires we are burning in already are consuming our very happiness and peace, the fires burn low and hot almost undetectable, eating away at any and all loving kindness we have for ourselves. What we don’t know is that going through the uncomfortable fires in front of us is far more kind to ourselves than remaining where we are. Courage to move from what is comfortably eating us up into what will definitely be an uncomfortable journey, one in which we will be completely cleansed from our fearful thoughts about ourselves, seems impossible to find. And yet we have all done is at some point in our lives. Can you remember a time you did something you were terrified of doing and after doing it, asked yourself, what in the world was I so afraid for? You may even giggle at your fear now. Facing ourselves is the only way to freedom and facing ourselves means going through the fires of our own thoughts and beliefs to find what resides on the other side.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finding kindness for yourself

How do we find the kindness we inherently have for ourselves? And why in the world do we feel like we have lost it? Kindness, even love for ourselves is always present, like an eager lover waiting for us to recognize that it is right there, if we just look we will see it, feel it, be it. It never goes away, it waits patiently to be remembered. It is the soft breeze, the loving embrace, the beautiful meadow, there just for us. This auther used to think that kindness, gratitude, peace, grace, generosity, happiness and love were something that happened to her, something she had to obtain from outside of herself, some surreal experience she could only obtain by searching far and wide, reading a gabillion books, suffering untold miseries, attaching to her perceived terrible past experiences, and finding a way to give up living the life she was living. BOY oh BOY was she mistaken, if only she had known how simple(notice she says simple..not easy) it is to become aware of the simplicity that is this..all of those experiences of being kindness, gratitude, peace, grace, generosity, happiness and love..ALL of them are WHAT and WHO she is, and it doesn’t stop there..they are what and who everyone is. Available to us all in every single precious moment…always..yes always..whispering this great truth feels exactly like heaven..because heaven is right here, right now..always was..always will be. So how to start to experience this? The simple first step is to accept where you are right now. That is it, accept where you are right now. So, for example, 20 minutes ago this author agitated that she wasn’t getting time to write these very sentences..wasn’t being granted the silent quite time she believed she so desired(even now there is much laughing and music playing going on below her ;)), so she started to be less than kind to those around her..the truth is she acted like a hurt angry OLD witch, so when she became aware of this she simply said to her precious self..would you look at that, here we are again, it’s OK. That’s it…it’s OK that you are being a total turd because that is who you are being right now, it is OK. She holds herself in her truth of the moment(being a turd), without trying to change a thing, without judging herself, without beating herself up for what she believes is unattractive ugly behaviour, without apologizing to anyone, without moving to another state of being, she simple accepts completely and authentically where she is, right at THAT moment. This is the first step to finding kindness for herself and only then can she possibly find true kindness for those around her. Seems strange? Nope..simple. What happens when we do this..accepting ourselves where we are that we allow a space for kindness of a seemingly magical sort. By accepting ourselves..only completely…where we are at, we give ourselves complete and total acceptance of ALL that we are..not just the pretty, ‘good’, feel good parts of ourselves..ALL of ourselves. From this place kindness is possible. It takes less time to move into a place of freedom, peace, love…a place where we can apologize to ourselves and others…a place where we can completely let go of our tension and relax into being who we really are, open to the next experience, willing to see ourselves and others in ALL of our aspects without judgment, without ridicule, with eyes and hearts wide open to the entire possibility of our beingness. Start with the simple act of accepting yourself exactly where you are. from my heart to yours....

Friday, October 7, 2011

The blame game. Yes we all do it. We find ourselves struggling to accept, understand and love ourselves and we look for the persons or things responsible for the reason that we think we can’t love ourselves. We blame our mothers, fathers, siblings, mean kids, older family members, our dog, the doctor..WHOEVER we can find to lay the blame for our internal nightmare. We do this innocently, you see when the suffering gets too great, and the mind can only take so much, there is an automatic switch to find some kind of relief, and the blame game is the beginning of that relief. It can lead to obsessions and addictions, again all innocent ways of finding relief from the pain and suffering we experience. In every situation that we choose to use as a scape goat for our pain we know that somewhere, no matter how horrific the memory is, no matter how terrible someone was to us, we know, that in some nanosecond of time we had a choice, either on how to react or in the meaning we would give the memory in the very next moment. In every moment there is responsibility for our choices of how we will perceive ours and others actions. And when we realize that we have and have had even the slightest bit of choice in any given situation, we are set free of the blame game..only completely. We have innocently used the blame game to gain some sense of relief, it has been a true and trusted friend for most of us, for years. It is a friend worth letting go of. When we blame others we cause a fundamental separation from what we really, and that causes the suffering and pain we call ‘not loving ourselves’ which is really..are you ready for it??? ‘Not loving OTHERS’. When we deny anyone our love by blaming them for uhem..not loving us the way the should have or not supporting us in the way we wanted them to then we are not loving them the way we were made to love or supporting them in ANY way. And that, my loves, is what causes OUR suffering, we break from the core of who and what we are when we blame anyone for any of our suffering. By holding on to blame we prevent ourselves from living our happiness, our grace, our peace, our desires. Blame is the single enormous mountain keeping you from what you really are.(and of course blame is another word for fear, something to think about!) To begin to leave the blame game all we have to do is start today to take steps toward complete self responsibility, seeing where we made choices that affected the rest of our lives, how WE choose to perceive things, how we shut ourselves out and went into protection mode when we perceived ourselves to be threatened in anyway. WE built this fortress that we chose to live in, it is up to us to tear it down. What if we made a list of all the people and things that we blame for our current situation and then sat down with that list and got radically honest with ourselves about what really happened OR how those we blame helped us to see something we would not otherwise have seen or showed us through experience how to really LOVE others? What if we began to see those people as the gifts that they are to us and then really began to meet ourselves with understanding… Exiting the blame game is the greatest gift we could ever give ourselves.

Monday, August 15, 2011

bodies...I love them...ALL of them...

Bodies do not taste, smell, have addictions, care about our opinions...they are as innocent as a flower or a tree..they get a bum rap..and they are so sweet, resiliant, loving and patient...there is not sickness..only rebalance and the body does it perfectly...loving you all!

I think I will be writing alot about this in the near future..yes..I think I will..bodies are glorious and matter what!

from my heart to yours

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The last assigment from Empowerment Through Movement...thought you might like it!

Assignment 8

Here we are at the end of 8 amazing weeks!  Pride and JOY shall be on the list and new habits have been formed to last us a lifetime!  Happy dancing and supreme giggles of delight are also welcome ;)!  A word on motivation.  It is not created from outside of ourselves, it is created in the act of doing that which we want to achieve even when we do not feel like it or think we need motivation or inspiration, those two lovely words will come to us only once we have BEGUN to move forward in any direction.  It is often thought that motivation and inspiration come from outside of us or are meant to be grasped at fleeting moments from some outside divine force.  The truth is that they come only from within us, from OUR own divineness, that takes the form of putting one foot in front of the other, perserverance, accomplishment and follow through and and also by being still and listening.  Once we KNOW what we want small steps of action are required.  These small steps, getting up earlier, making that phone call, writing that article, doing the workout, changing to healthier eating, arranging that babysitter, whatever it is that we have been meaning to do that we haven’t will feel like HUGE steps in the beginning.  Each time we do them they will get easier.  The whole point is that we get to experience something that is uncomfortable, foreign, new and different.  THAT is what takes us further on our path and provides a gigantic platform for our unfoldment.  Each new act in the direction of what we want, that is all it requires to achieve greatness.  

A word on integrity, simply put it is the promise to keep our word, that’s it.  Simple right?  But not easy.  So if we make the statement I am going to workout 4 days a week that is a promise to ourselves, one we have committed ourselves to keeping.  This applies, like most things, to all of life really..keeping our word..not just to others but to ourselves as well.   Now being women, we have a more flexible approach to integrity, we often change our minds.  I said I am going to help the neighbor..but baby is a puking..change of mind happens.  Help the neighbour tomorrow, keep your word.  There will always be a new opportunity to keep your word, life is like that..abundant…there to support and hold us and nudge us to being the best we can be, without fail life keeps its word.

(SIDE NOTE:  I have..many times..had to drag my sorry little self to my workout space..force myself to put in the dvd..and then force myself to not only finish the ms but then actually get up and put in the cardio and drag myself through that too..sometimes angry about a three year old, doing what I don’t feel like doing and pouting the whole time..EVERY time I have done this…WOW…I felt GREAT!  And my entire perspective about myself and my day..has been transformed.  It is worth it EVERY time.)

Part 1:  Write your commitment to yourself.  Your commitment for this week, this month and the next six months.  Workout or otherwise.  Stick it to your fridge.

Part 2:  Write these words..all pretty and with glitter if you feel like it..feel free to add to this list…and stick it to your fridge or some other place you will see it often!
You are free.
You are powerful.
You are good.
You are love.
You have value.
You have purpose.
All is well.
from the book Ask and It Is Given—if you feel like it add to this or make your own.
Read this everyday for a minimum of 21 days..say them to yourself in the mirror..sit with them..feel them..incorporate them into who you are..they are the key to who you really are.

from my heart to yours...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

...there is no failure...only experience... strange to accept.  Really? 

You mean I did not fail when I dropped my two year old on his head?  No, you learned how better to hold him when he is an angry ball of limbs(like a football).

You mean I did not fail when I could no longer stand my spouse and opted for divorce?  No, you learned, what the pain of such an experience means for you and for those around you, you perhaps learned what you really need in a relationship, what you truely desire, and how to move on when what you thought was the worst that could happen has passed and you are still standing.

You mean I did not fail when I didn't workout ALL of last week?  No, you perhaps learned what it means for you to miss moving your body, perhaps your mood was off, perhaps you did not feel as vibrant OR perhaps you learned that that particular workout does not have juice for you and you simply need to look in another direction, perhaps you learned that not working out hurt you more(in your head) than simply working out.  Perhaps you learned how to be kind to yourself..perhaps you found understanding for yourself and learned that you do not HAVE..that all is a choice.

You mean I did not fail when I did not finish my degree?  Nope.  Perhaps you learned that the very reason you were getting THAT degree fell away after time, perhaps you learned that it would not help you in your ability to be happy, perhaps you learned that for YOU there were better roads to travel, perhaps you learned that NO piece of paper can define who you are.

You mean I did not fail when my house was not cleaned and the laundry not done?  No, nope.  Perhaps you experienced playing with your kids, being outside, drinking a cup of tea, chatting with friends, making love, reading, enjoying life.  Perhaps you learned what is really important for YOU and that the mess will always be waiting so it can wait just a little bit longer so that you can ENJOY the fun side of life.  Perhaps you learned that if you don't do it all, others begin to pick up the pieces and perhaps you learned that a clean house does not define WHO you are.

I would LOVE to hear your experiences!!

from my heart to yours....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

only THIS very moment exists....

Imagine if you could not remember yesterday..imagine if you could not visualize the future...where would you be?

You would be right here, right this very moment...what will this moment be for you?  If you cannot access the past or the future what kinds of possibilities are open to you?  How much more are you able to just see what is right in front of enjoy without thoughts of what was or what will be?  It is exciting isn't it? 

Finding moments to just be with no past or future opens the opportunity of now, which is all that really..truely exists anyway.

from my heart to yours....

Monday, June 20, 2011

My wisdom..she comes once a month..and leads the way.. I will be getting a little personal here with you beautiful women..and the few men brave enough to enter ;).

I have decided to call the BIG red event of my monthly WISDOM. Not my rag or my aunt or my period or my you-know-what(sorta like he-who-must-not-be-named in Harry Potter?) not my flo..unless it is my flo of wisdom. This event that happens in my life and that of most every other woman on the planet once a month for years of our lives is so unfortunately misunderstood in western culture.

It is a time when our bodies so naturally call out for quiet and solitude, not because it is something dirty or wrong or strange..instead it is a time for inner reflection and listening. I watch women all around me and many times myself run around acting like their wisdom is not happening..some even taking their birth control pills in such a was as not to have them at all. Going through those few days as if it is not there. And what happens? Headaches, bitchiness, feelings of isolation and that noone understands us, respects us, soothes us, love us, general sadness, depression and unexplained anger. Are these not all signs..gently whispering..take a step back, listen to me, rest, reflect, love me, nurture me, FEEL me..which are mostly ingnored and in turn create 'symptoms' of a DIS-ease many call PMS!

For me, PMS is a signal that I am not LISTENING, that I am not taking care or even remotely nurturing myself and while, during the rest of the month, I can seemingly get away with not doing those things for myself..when my wisdom comes she speaks loudly to the depths of my soul..waiting patiently for me to hear her. She KNOWS so much. And she has a power that is left many months untapped and underappreciated only to return with patience and wait to be heard.

I morn for those of us that do not see our wisdoms for what they are. A cleansing, a rejuvination, a life energy in renewal, a blessing, a glorious adventure bringing us closer to ourselves each time, a healthy phase, access to a wisdom we carry with us always that bubbles up and reveals itself so clearly if we choose to see it.

So I am relating to my wonderful time of the month as my wisdom, my glorious guide to the depth of who I really am.

From my heart to yours...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

releasing the unsaid....

When we begin to question our thoughts, when we are asked to look at the way in which we speak to ourselves it can mean uncomfortable...damn uncomfortable internal observations. It is the little or not so little ugly thoughts that bounce around in our heads on replay all day long that capture our excitement and cause us to feel defeated before we have given ourselves a chance..and it usually all begins with the opening of our eyes. When we begin to really look at the thoughts that hold us back from joy, happiness, contentment..from actually LIVING, we are at the beginning of a new future both for ourselves and those around us.

It is during conversations, that which is not said but perhaps implied that does the most damage. The dreaded unsaid, the elephant in the room..those are our thoughts that we do not speak out loud but ROAR instead in our thoughts. To begin to purge ourselves of these thoughts..I am not good enough, I am fat, I am ugly, I never spend enough time with my children , spouse, dog, I eat too much, I should to this or I should to that or..THEY should do this or that or be this way or that way, etc., we have to name them, say them out loud perferably with someone else as a witness..even better..the person we have these thoughts about.
Dealing with ourselves only here is an example.

Petey: You are so beautiful, I love you!!
Candy: you are crazy, what do you want!!(unsaid thought, I am not good enough, he could not possibly love me, there must be something wrong with him too.)

Candy: Could you take out the trash?
Petey: You are such a nag, I'll do it in a minute. (unsaid thought, crap she told me to do it before but I forgot..I am such a failure, I can never admit it so I have blame her for nagging me because it is too painful to admit I failed her.)

In both instances it is an internal ugly dialogue with oneself that causes a shifting of blame onto someone else so that we don't have to deal with the UNSAID thoughts and feelings, but they are there as loud a clear as if we have shouted them with a blow horn. When the thoughts are actually ABOUT someone else it is even more intersting.

If we have the thought my spouse is a lazy butthole, how then do we interact with said spouse? If we have the thought my partner is the most amazing, caring, wonderful person on earth, will we interact with them on a different level..and when we have BOTH thoughts about the same person, even simultaneously...WATCH out..craziness is on its way. Yet how often does this occur within us?

If we could say to said spouse, when you didn't take out the trash after the fifth time I asked you I really felt like you let me down, I was really waiting for you to step up and take out the trash, then when you did not I felt like I did not matter to you so then I took it out to show you I could do in on my own, which then gave me the feeling of being all alone and I began to think that you are a lazy butthole...when I was little I had to do all the chores, more than my brother and the feelings that came up were the same kinds of feelings I had as a small girl. It was weird...and I realize now that my feelings had nothing to do with you or the trash and everything to do with my past. Now..wouldn't that be profound..the implications are stunning.

Sometimes during our journey here on earth we will absolutely need to express the unsaid in order to create a new possibility, to rewrite our futures we have to complete the past with honesty and integrity.

From my heart to yours...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

a step toward loving yourself...

BE STILL.   When we take moments every day to be still and listen, listen to that spark of the divine that is within us, we nourish ourselves in every way.  When we stop, truely stop doing anything and sit in stillness we are open to the guidance that we so deeply strive for.  All the answers we want lie within us, if something wonderful we read, hear or see resonates with us it is because it is true within us as well.

When we sit in stillness there is no agenda other than being still and listening..drop into the stillness and WAIT, that is all.  Sit with the thoughts that you are having and listen to the honesty within them, if the thoughts are ugly ask if they are true, ask who would I be without this thought?  When we have something that is hard to face it is really time to get still and listen, what is it that we really need, right now?  honesty? love? quiet?  All that we need is within us, when we take time to sit in stillness we will find all the answers we seek.  We will begin to trust ourselves, to honor ourselves, and to love what we are capable of, we will find kindness for ourselves and others, we will find strength in knowing that we are complete and the life we desire is within us, every moment.  We will fall into being who we really are, we will begin to shine our light brighter and brighter.  Some of us will become more open and outgoing  others will become more queit and reflective.  When we sit in stillness and listen everyday we will begin to open the door to knowing AND loving who we are. 

We all deserve happiness and joyful lives, we have only to give ourselvers permission, begin by being still...listening and finding kindness within.

From my heart to yours.....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ugly mean ole thoughts...kick them to the curb...

Lets talk about our internal dialogue..but first...ALL very small children LOVE themselves immensely(before they learn mean thinking and self sabotage from adults). This is the time in life where singing in front of the mirror is COMFORTABLE and natural. Making faces and dancing around for no apparent reason is common place. Being NAKED is a time of joy and freedom. Spontaneously telling yourself 'you are great' 'you are the best' and 'I love Fred and Susie and Mommy and MEEEEEEE!!' is inherent. This is a time when we do not question who we are, why we are here or if we are important, we already know the answer to all of them, that we are great, we are special and we are soo soo very important and love flows to and from us freely.

  • Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas. --Paula Poundstone

Lets just say that if you had it once you CAN have it again. That certainty of having love and being great is within each of us, all the time. We have had it before. Which basically means that we can find it again as long as we are willing to look for it, claim it and be it again.

So as adults, we have created other 'interesting' and demeaning thoughts that we believe are unique to us in noone else feels this bad about themselves, others are so much more confident than me, only I am feeling like crap about myself, others have their lives together, others are more successful, I am a loser, I am ugly, I am not good enough, I should be different, I should look different, I am nothing special, I have major issues, the list of ugly mean thinking is wide and varied and I haven't mentioned the really ugly stuff but I am sure that we can all relate and know what it is that we say to ourselves that is just down right mean and dirty. Now, most people keep these devious thoughts to themselves but IF they are so FULL of them that they are on the floor of misery it will spill over and they will say these thoughts out loud and to others but it really is just a REFLECTION of their internal dialogue. The thing is these thoughts are far from unique and they are shared by every human being on this PLANET..every single one, because they all stem from the primary fears of every person which are 'I am not enough' and 'I am not worthy of love', all mean and ugly thoughts are just versions and variations of these fears. The difference is how we react to these thoughts and if we ACCEPT THEM AS TRUE. That is right these are THOUGHTS and they are only true if we BELIEVE them. If we accept them as true our brain and nervious system accept them as if we are constantly repeating a thought such as 'I have the ugliest nose' well then damit your brain is going to look for proof of this statement wherever it can. If you repeat a thought such as 'I am a loving person' your brain will do the same. Which one FEELS better?

We often think it is easier to stay in old mean patterns because over time we have come to be comfortable in that dank and dark place, we have come to call it home. Who the hell WANTS to live there?? Noone thats who. That is why we strive to change, to find meaning, to be free. No matter who you are you are questioning always, somewhere deep inside of you, you KNOW that you deserve better, you KNOW that you are special, you KNOW that life is meant to be enjoyed fully and with delight. The thoughts that we have come to believe hold on for dear life, they scratch and claw at the depth of who we are because we have allowed those thoughts so much space there is hardly room for wonderful ones.

The difference between those who succeed with their goals, whatever they may be and those that stay trapped by their mean dirty ole thoughts is that those that achieve(and we ALL have achieved goals in our lives in some area..start thinking of all the things that you HAVE accomplished, NOW, it could change your those accomplishments, ones that you have already created, lies the answer to future success) their goals start by overriding the dank and dark place and CREATING a new and exciting alternative. This does not mean that those thoughts disappear never to rain their ugly heads again, no no, it means that they choose to not accept those thoughts as true, when their fears(thoughts) creep up, they do not give up, they double their efforts to maintain thoughts that will take them in the direction of their goals. Here is a secret, the brain does not know the difference between a memory and our imagination, if you IMAGINE your future goal completed in every aspect(how it feels, tastes, smells, what it looks like, colors, sound, lighting) the more detail the better, our brain will to whatever it take to reach that goal because it believes that it has already happened and it WANTS those feelings of greatness, more than anything else.

Now, how do we take the first steps in what thoughts to believe and not to believe? Most of us will have to come up with positive altenatives so here is a way to begin.

Lets say you have a negative thought such as 'I never accomplish anything', the first step is to ask yourself 'is it true?', most likely it is NOT, never? Hardly possible. Now give yourself examples of where you have accomplished things(I finished high school, I have a great career, I gave birth, I am finishing my phd, I keep a neat house, I, my spouse and my children are all alive at the end of the day, etc) then change the statement into 'I can accomplish anything' and give the same examples from above.

Begin questioning your thoughts, are they TRUE? Are they NECESSARY? Are they KIND? Do not get side tracked buy why you have them..just question are they true, necessary and kind. Do the exercise from above for 15 min, then think about your goal, your future again and make it as bright and big as possible...if you want another baby, IMAGINE it intensely, if you want to lose weight, IMAGINE your ideal body in intensely, if you want to change careers then IMAGINE your outcome in all its glory.

Food for thought..too complicated? Start talking to yourself as if you were someone you REALLY loved, your children, your partner, your animals. When a mean thought arises ask yourself would I treat them this way? And answer with the response you would give to the ones you love the most.

from my heart to yours..

Friday, June 3, 2011

Recommendations that might very well CHANGE your life...

So, if you are a person who is struggling deeply with your body image this book:

is FANTASTIC!!  Wether you want to lose weight, gain weight, let go of stress, understand your biochemistry, and feel more at peace with yourself..this book will help you do all of these things.  If everyone had this book, I would be out of my personal training job in no time...fabulous if you ask me.  I love products, books, programs that encourage people to do the work from the inside out.  The beauty about his method is there is a ton of visualization which is so incredibly powerful and there are cds that you listen to that tap into the deeper you.  Truely magical stuff...if you are ready for an adventure of the deepest, sweetest, quietest kind give it a will not be sorry..and for under 20 dollars..pennies for great riches in return!!

THE most important health tip EVER:(this is by far one of the most incredible health for life habits to establish, I want to SCREAM it from the roof tops!)

HYDRATE!!!!!  That means drink enough water..period.  But that is not all, you must do it in a very particular way in order to get its true benefits.  Every 2-3 hours you take a small pinch of himalyan or unprocessed sea salt on your tongue, let it sit there for a minute or two and then proceed to drink one to two cups(250ml-500ml) of water.  If you drink all this water without the salt you will be peeing like a maniac(well for the first two weeks you will be anyway but after that it will all even out and you will get used to it) and not benefitting from the will go right through you taking vital minerals with it.  Taking the salt with the water allows all the fresh water you are drinking to enter into the salt water 'ocean' of your body where all the really important hydration and heathly chemical reactions and creations occur.  Drinking only water does not allow for optimal hydration..the salt is KEY!!(this salt has nothing to do with dietary salt)  More info?

From my heart to yours....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sometimes..I mean really....

Do you ever get to a point where you are doing it ALL and then you just STOP.  And then you wonder what do I do now..if I am just still for one moment..will the sky fall in..what do I do with my thoughts?  How do I just be, how do I stop doing the doing and start BEING as in human BEING not human DOING?  Is this a womens issue or do men do it too..go go go go go..never stop because then you might actually have to FEEL, or worse SEE things for how they REALLY are....magnificent and whole and great even when you don't DO everything, even when you aren't the one and only laundry goddess out there or the most important of important child minder, or the most sought after childrens dinner maker, because those THINGS are just a way for you to have problems and things to be caught up in instead of living a wonderful life...I mean..could you live without underwear for awhile? Or eat fruit for dinner? Or let the kids run wild?  I think you could..yes I do and I think it might even be really could even get everyone to wash their underwear in the sink..when they needed new ones..imagine how much time that would free up for you to ENJOY yourself..oh the possibilites!!

Life is for ENJOYING not just getting do we forget this??

from my heart to yours...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Getting sick..WHAT is that??

ummm..when we get sick..what does that mean?  nice question huh?  do we need to slow down, take better care of ourselves, hydrate more, eat healthy foods, take vitamens?  do we need to start REALLY listening to our inner wisdom or do we need to stuff ourselves full of phamacuticals so that we can get on with our LIFE?

hmmmm...for each of us the answer will be different, depending on the circumstances.  When is it ok to go to work sick?  When is it ok to infect others? Will the world fall apart if we exit it for a week or two or more?  Will everything come to a standstill because WE are no longer functioning?  Are we sooo important that we cannot stop..not even for a moment to access the cold or flu or OTHER sickness we are encountering?  Why not just go to bed for a week..arrange others to take care of us..stop being bossy and important and just BE in the sickness until our spectacular bodies heal themselves because we are giving them the space to do so.

I get sick when I stop being me, when I start getting frustrated at someone else(meaning one of my many munchkins or even my heart, my love) being sick, or angry at everything in particular...and this time I got really won't go away and I keep DOING instead of BEING..heck..I KNOW what I must do to recover and yet I do not..pawf...I keep running around like the sky will fall in if I stop and take a step back and breathe and just really FEEL the pain, experience this illness, instead of running from it and creating an even uglier monster sickness that is holding on to my body for dear life...

Yesterday, I began the withdrawel..the slowdown..the recovery..I can do this..I am worth it..and so are you when you are sick!

How do YOU do being sick??  I would love to know!!

from my heart to yours..

Monday, May 23, 2011

damn..sick and tired..and growing and learning...

Lovilies..I am sooo sick!  Poo.  I will be back with FIRE soon, I promise promise promise..I miss you all!!  Cannot wait to share with you all what my brutal cold is teaching me...hugs!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I have been inspired..yes I have..TBOLITNFL.COM..great story..amazing journey.

THIS is my Personal Internal Commitment..get ready..the flood gates have opened!

I am FULLY present in EVERY moment

I am love.

I am loved. I am worthy. I am magnificent.

I am the change.

I am abundance.

I am truth.

I am freedom.

I am wealth.

I am intuition.

I am understanding.

I am one of the greats.

I am the best at what I do, I get results, I change lives.

I am a divine servant.

I am gorgeous in every way.

I am healing.

I am health.

I am a great cook.

I am the leader.  I am the example.

I am a wonderous light that shines bright for all to see.  Shining light where there once was darkness.

I am influence.  I touch many lives.

I am inspiration.

I am family.

I am compassion. I am integrity.

I am committed to showing my children what an extraordinary human being is by being that very human being.  I am committed to nurturing them into being themselves, whoever they choose to be.  I am committed to being the mother they choose before they ever arrived here through me.

I am committed to the love of my life, the man of my dreams, the partner on my journey home.  I am committed to being the most glorious woman in all my femininity for him and for myself.

I am committed to that which is divine in all of us.  I am committed to God and the universe and to the ECK.

I am the greatest love on earth.(GLOE)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happiness, joy...the fun stuff happens NOW!!

In the midst of change sometimes we forget what is available to us right now..this very moment.  How often do we say to ourselves I will be happy WHEN..i lose 10 pounds, I have the ass of Gisele, i have a million dollars, I have a fast fancy red car, i have my degree, I get married, i have children..oh the list goes on and on..AND how often do we reach those goals to find out that THEY don't make us all that much happier than before?? 

You see, what makes us happy is within us every moment of everyday.  Being happy is a CHOICE.  Imagine that on for size!!  We CAN be happy without having to achieve anything, we can be blissful and excited just sitting here starring into cyberspace.  I woke up to a quote today from a friend of mine that has been sober for two years...'life is too short to care about anything but happiness' for those of us that have to have certain criteria in place to be happy that sounds like a load of hogwash...ONLY because that would mean coming out of our certain unhappiness and being free to be happy even if the house is not clean, the dishes are not done and there is cat poop in the hallway. 

The absolute truth is we can CHOOSE to be happy at any time..don't believe me?  Ok..bring yourself to a total state of stress and intensity...come on I know you can do it...are you there yet?  Really intense discomfort..unhappiness even...are you there??  Now FART..and I mean a loud juicy stinky NASTY thing..come on...I know you can do it....are you smiling??  Can we really change our state that quickly? The answer is yes..ever broke down crying only to be laughing in the midst of your tears 3 minutes later..ever been really angry and then something happened to bring you to extreme giggles..well guess what?  WE are in control of those states, they are not in control of us...shocking I know.

Full emotional responsibility lies in OUR hands.  We are too often led to believe that feelings happen to us, that something from outside is what is making us feel a certain way..that someone or something else is to blame, that we have to WAIT to be happy.

Happiness is NOW.  You CAN have happiness before you lose 10 pounds or get your phd, you can be blissfully happy with yourself right now this very moment. .. For the simple fact that you were born perfecty imperfect and loved beyond any doubt from a source that is never ending and beats inside your chest even when you don't notice.  You can choose to be happy no matter what your parents taught you or what anyone tells you..YOU are the master controller of your universe, you are the decision maker of your life, you are worth so much MORE every single day.

Side note:  Being truely happy by your own choice IS the fountain of youth!!  I have seen so many people go from looking haggered, stressed, OLD, sunken, destroyed, TENSE and empty to ALIVE and vibrant and young and full of love and happiness and PEACE just by realizing and bringing into reality who they really are and what life is all about, by realizing that THEY are in control of every part of their lives, they have been released from the burdens of guilt, blame, shame, despair, self pity and so much more by getting aligned with emotional responsibility and LOVE from within themselves that is overflowing once the bars of self containment have been removed.  Because NOW they CHOOSE happiness more often then anything else.

Happiness is available to you right NOW, it is instantaneous!  If you have spent a long time away from happiness it may take a little practice but it will be soo very worth it!!

Tell me...what makes you laugh deep down in your belly??

from my heart to yours.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

What do you do if you really WANT to change?

How many times do you come upon a behavior and wonder what am I doing that for?  Why am I eating so much?  Why am I raging so much? Why can't I sleep?  Why am I drinking so much, so often?  Why don't I exercise?  Why do I talk to myself like that?  Why am I blaming others?  How did I get in this mess again?  Will I ever learn?  If you are human and even remotely reflective on yourself I am sure you have had questions like these..I seem to have them everyday.  So the next logical question is how do I change this behavior, how do I make it go away, how do I overcome this behavior with my identity and authenticity still intact?

While there are many paths to take to change our behavior..MANY..there are those that will work faster more effective and more permanant than others.  The question is do you want to take the long and winding path or the straight and narrow path...simply a choice, each with its own sets of interesting scenery...and each perfectly capable of running into and integrating the other..for some stretches it may be long and windy and for others short and straight or visaversa.

The first step to changing any behavior is to own it.  Know that you are responsible for it, that it does not come from outside of yourself but from within you and that for some reason in the past you made a choice to use that behavior to reach one of your needs.  And now you have outgrown it, are ready to move on.  Thank the behavior for serving you so well, for protecting you from pain or hurt, for providing some kind of comfort, for preventing you from making another choice, be grateful for all that the behavior has taught you, learn from it, know that behind any behavior is a postitive intent no matter how horribly the behavior is dressed up to be it came from a place of positive intention so be grateful for that intent and have gratitude for what that behavior was doing to help you find some kind of peace even if that peace was not peace at all...the INTENT was there.

Now, it is also important to know that change of any kind can be uncomfortable..and I do not mean it's hot in here uncomfortable but its hot in here and I have a wedgie and I have sand in my eyes and something in my shoe is seriously pulling out my toenail kind of uncomfortable.  When creating change from within, on our own, it is important to embrace this discomfort and walk with it. ( If you have the opportunity to work with someone who is educated in the Six Human Needs, well then the discomfort is slightly less ;))  The discomfort is just our nervous systems reprogramming with a new behavior and our minds way of mourning the loss of the ugly old getting a new skin..which I imagine is amazing once you have it but intense during the exfoiliation..if you know what I mean. 

We are all bundles of behaviors, all chosen and produced by us.  We are 100% in control of all of our emotional states all the time, discovering this helps the journey begin.

side note:  the journey happens anyway, no matter what we do, what better way than to be consciously aware of our control and power on that journey, to be able to mold the experiences and emotions to serve us and others at the highest levels possible.

If you could change one behavior, what would it be??

from my heart to yours....

Thursday, May 12, 2011

when old patterns come a creepin.....

You know..some days just don't go the way we plan them.  We have this great idea about how it will go and then something happens to knock the plan off course..well at least OUR plan..the universe has other things in store.  Things that we will miss if we are not alive and alert to it.  The chance to let go, the chance to do something entirely different, the chance for understanding, the chance to take a deep breathe, the opportunity to be really pissed off or the opportunity to laugh our asses off, the choice of deep compassion or utter confusion.  We sit on that fence of decision and wonder what are my choices now, what will I be missing if I go in this direction? what will I be gaining?  How will I know what the right thing is? 

Crap-freakin-tasitic you mean suffering is a choice...damn.  Choosing today to be aggrevated, frustrated, angry and mean does not feel really good and at points one could SWEAR there was someone else to blame for the ugly feelings, the clenched jaw, the shallow bull like breathing.   And even when we know that is we who are in complete and total control of our emotional state we just want to BITE someone..preferably as hard as possible.

And realize OH...YA..this is where I am at...interesting..shall I eat myself up with guilt..perpetuating even more interesting feelings and actions, eat an entire chocolate cake or just be HERE, FEEL here, acknowledge the old patterns of yesterday and have compassion for yourself because you are deeply aware of what is happening and prepared to see this through to a new beginning..a new pathway..a new and fullfilling pattern.

Hurummppfff..the old pattern says, I really thought I would get you this time(yes we all talk to ourselves ;))..I see that I wormed my way in and just when I thought about VICTORY, you remembered you had a CHOICE..damn..damn...damn..for a minute it felt so stinkin good to be the caress of an old friend.

The jaw tension releases, the bull like breathing becomes deep and cleansing and the ugly feelings start to disipate into feelings of being loved, of being a part of something bigger and before you know are loving again..and ever sooo grateful for the truth of CHOICE.  For the courage to be honest with yourself and acknowledge yes..that was me..that unfortunate behavior..that was my choice and I can only bite myself..but instead you choose compassion and love and understanding for yourself and when you do that you have compassion and love and understanding for others as well.

hmmmm...sound familiar...ummmm..shanti?

from my heart to yours...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Inspiration and motivation...for anything really....

I am constantly being inspired by others and there amazingness, the humanness of all of us.  Everyday there are people making decisions that change their lives, taking on projects that they only dreamed of or never even thought possible and when they come out on the other side of it, they are brand new people, full of a confidence and radience and empowerment they did not seem to possess before.  Each step into the unknown, into a new adventure is both scary and extremely exciting..if you are reaching for a goal...the greatest peice of advice I have ever heard..if you are reaching for a goal and you get scared out of your mind..THAT is the time to double your efforts because that means you are about to accomplish something even better than you believed possible.  Now..this fear could manifest as pure fear, or as procrastination, or indifference, or as a feeling of 'I don't want to do this anymore', or the thoughts of this is too hard, I don't have enough time, it isn't working how I want it too, etc. Remaining focused on the OUTCOME through the whole journey helps you to remain creative and ACTIVE in your process.  Knowing that there will be bumps in the road, knowing that you can overcome anything that stands in your way, knowing that you are and always have been destined for success..and I mean really KNOWING in your deepest self is all that it takes to reach out and grab ahold of any and all of your dreams.

Two of the biggest fears EVERY single human being has are fear of not being enough and fear of not being loved.  This is a FACT if you have those feelings and fears you are not alone!  They manifest in sooo many ways it is mind boggling(ya..if you haven't noticed spelling is atrocious).  I love the definition of courage as..being terribly afraid but doing it anyway.  This can apply to entering a relationship, becoming a parent, loosing weight, changing old habits, moving, crossing the street,  changing jobs, working out, bungy jumping,touching a spider, telling the truth, traveling, eating something new, accepting responsibility, etc.

In order to be successful you have to know BEFORE you start that you are worthy just by the pure fact that you were born, that you are loved from within your very self.  That you ARE whole just the way you are this moment, that you, like every other human being are capable of ANYTHING..anything.  That you are a second away from changing your life, every second of the day, that there are no mistakes..just opportunites to change your mind or learn something profoundly useful.

It is incredibly useful to find out why you want to accomplish something..what you are striving for..what your outcome will be and how it will feel once it is accomplished.  WRITE it down!!!  This is sooooo powerful, it is like pulling your outcome out of the universe and heavens and making it REAL.(want even more power?  Stand up and call it out as loud as you can..seriously crazy business..but it works!!)  You can use this magical I like to call it... to remind yourself in times when you don't feel motivated or have lost your is a reminder to you(and your nervous system) that you have made a fantastic commitment to an outstanding future!  This can be applied to ANYTHING you want to it working out, starting a business, being a better person/mother/wife(or the male counterparts ;))..anything.

from my heart to yours...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

this is a long one..TA stuff and alittle something extra..

OK...can I just say I had a fantastic weekend with my girl Christan and that we did some serious sweating together to TA!!  The dancing and the workout were awesome..but not as amazing as being together with such a REAL RAW BEAUTIFUL woman who loves TAM too!

So I realize that there are alot of people having problems with shoulder and neck pain and this has EVERYTHING to do with alignment and placement of the shoulders in all the movements..yes..I think I feel another video comin on...yes..yes I do.

I am always thinking about why have I been so successful with this method..why have others been successful..I want to KNOW what it is!!  So one of the absolute BIGGEST reasons is form..form..form..which means alignment..alignment..alignment...and..rythm..yep. So, what do I mean?  You have to be postitioned EXACTLY like every molecule of your body..period.  You have to imitate every movement in all its complexity, you have to reach for perfection of movement with each workout.  Alright, lets take a 10 day ms(muscular structure) sequence.  The first three days you may feel like a complete and utter uncoordinted mess, this is the phase where your brain and body are getting to know exacty what it is you are asking of you, think of this phase as the beginning stages of learning to ride a bike.  the next three days are the days where you start connecting with your body more, you start to feel the movements all over and have a better sense of where your body and all its parts are in space, you start to actually feel the cross vectors and you are starting to believe, hey I AM doing this..I got this.  The last three days are when you have more or less commited the movements to muscle memory and it is now your job to go deeper into the movements and require perfection from your form and really FEEL the movements, each and every one for every second of the workout.  This is the point to really push yourself and reach deep to get those results you really want...THIS is where results are made.

Now..learning all of her moves to perfection takes time, patience, and perseverance.  Learning proper alignment requires you to study the videos at least once BEFORE doing them, requires you do them in front of the mirror at least ONCE before really doing the workout, if you do not have a mirror, see the videos I posted and really FEEL where you are at in space.  It requires paying attention to every tiny detail of where her body and then YOUR body is at.  It requires staying with HER rythm even when you want to go faster or slower or give up all together...side is better to go slower than her rather than faster..if you have to make a choice ;).  Doing this..going through the 'trouble' of learning the movements properly..will save you time and aggrevation in the long run, plus it will bring you results at what seems like lightening speed. Oh..AND it will prevent injuries..the absolute most important reason for doing this!!

BIG SIDE NOTE:  Having said all of this...well..even if you don't do it with perfect form..even if your not in alignment..even if you are not reaching really deep..if you do it..if you show up and do this WILL get results...PERIOD.  That is the genius of it..the pure magicalness of TAM.  It will just take you longer and a bit more patience and understanding for yourself..but you will get long as you DO IT!

sometime this week...I will make a shoulder video...yes I will!

Now..just alittle something about feminine support.  We women have the power to heal, to uplift, and to support all life.  When we are happy for others(men or woman) and their successes it helps us to be successful and fullfilled.  Jealousy over anothers success only eats away at what our own true potential is.  I CHOOSE every day to support other women on their journeys through this glorious life, through the greatest accomplishments of their lives and I am blessed every day to hold women experiencing a low nourish them back to themselves, to simply share in our mutual uniquenesses.  AND most of all I am blessed..unbelievalby blessed by the women that have entered my life, by the women that both share my values and do not, by the women who both nourish me and stretch me to expand beyond what I ever thought possible.

I will get to the glorious men soon..right now...on MY journey..i am learning to connect with all that is it is only natural that I would be pulled to share it with you!

from my heart to yours...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Posting TA videos to all my sweaty glory... if you are here..chances are you have seen my videos for today..reguarding alignment...and crotch is soaked...not from pee..that i know of..but from took all my internal gumption to post them to fb after I saw how sweaty I looks like I am wearing underwear on the OUTSIDE of my pants..but whatever..REAL woman sweat..everywhere..not just on their brow or upper lip..and I happen to SWEAT..i mean dripping get a towel it is raining Shanti is a wonderful detox..if not slightly if I peed my pants I would be the first one to tell me..but no..that is all my sister once told me..I didn't know you could sweat in your crotch..well yes..indeed you CAN.

So as I like to be honest I will tell you that I filmed these vids under durress.  Everyone was hungry, lunch was on the table and and my kids had to go back to school family knows I am looney ballooney..and they love me anyway..and time management sucked today..poo. But because I said I would I did..crazy I know..I could have changed my clothes, waited til later, done my hair and make up..but I am pig headed and had to do it right then..yes..I am a woman..yes this is normal..yes I am real and raw..and mostly..well...I love you all to bits and there.

My greastest hope from my bravery is that the videos helped..or at least were good for a great laugh ;).  Please feel free to ask me anything..I will give you an answer far longer and in depth than necessary! 

I have the need to say that all of these tips and things..well they are mine..tracy has nothing to do with if they don't work you can't sue her..or be mad at me...hehehe.

today truely from my heart and sweaty crotch to yours....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I LOVE love love them...

You know women are amazing the link at the right to see what I mean!  It is from Elizabeth Richardson who is an amazing inspiration and woman and is in the middle of writing a couple of books I cannot wait to buy. 

I love having women in my life, I love REAL women, vunerable authentic sensuous women.  In our world today there are certain..hmmmm...hazards to being a woman.  For some reason we are not encouraged to be together, to trust each other, to stick together, to support each other in WHATEVER choices we make, to be happy for each others success, to understand each others bitchiness, to be loyal to one another, to encourage true feminine experession, wow I realize now I could go on and on!  Women have the true potential to heal, to lead, and to make profound differences in this world buy being women, full and raw and real.

I honor each of you reading this as a fellow feminine entity, I honor you for your limitless capacity for love and understanding, for your beauty, for your life giving force and creativity, for your ability to storm and rage and then soothe and heal, for your many faces..all unique and neccessary, for your cleansing properties and rejuvinating essense.  You are amazing in all your glory, in every cell of your body simply by being born a girl.

(now I LOVE me some men too..more on that another time!)

Now go read the is magnificent..and made me a really beautiful way...enjoy...

from my heart to yours....

Monday, May 2, 2011

TA..for the day..what is it about this method...

Now, I posted this same post on FB, so why post it here?  This is the space I want to provide for any questions anyone has, this is a platform where I can really answer in depth knowing that it is going to get to the person without getting lost in the feed ;).  I will be writing very soon about the three pillars of reaching a goal..any was created for weightloss but you can use it for any goal you want to achieve..woop..and it begins!! I have written about the physical and dietary aspects of my TA journey.  Now I would love to address the mental and emotional part!

This is what worked for me.

Sometime at the end of March 2010 I started to look for a new workout that would really challenge me, I felt the need to really am am person who has to move..not just move but FEEL and sweat in my I went on the search for something other than the aerobics and pilates I had been doing since the birth of my first child..the end of march 2010 my baby turned one so it was a natural progression to look for something new and more powerful for me..I do not even remember how I found TA but I am so thankful that I did.  So right after I recieved the pds series and dc2 I left for Gambia in Africa for 3 weeks with my family...a financial poor in its people and culture.  I learned about how very rich I am..deeply..truely.  When we got back I watched all the videos..did them for a week..thought holy freakin cow..this is crazy wonderful HARD stuff..and promptly ordered everything I could get my greedy little hands on, downloaded and scored the internets for every scrape of information.  I had told my husband..bikini time is over..and I was perfectly ok with was not a self pity thing at all..just accepting my life phase..hehe..little did I know.  So at that moment I decided the only way to find out if I truely trusted TA was to commit to doing exactly what she said for ONE year.  At the end of the year I would decide if it was the right thing for me and reassess what I wanted to do with my body, with my movement.  I committed one hundred percent to that YEAR..not to results or expectations but to a year of LEARNING everything I could about the method and ultimately my body, my boundries, my strength, my own empowerment, and who I really am.  You see, I believe that movement is the key to many of our inner processes, if we do not move on a regular basis how can we listen to what our bodies have to say?

In order to understand the why of doing this method, I encourage you to ask yourself, what is it that I truely want from doing this workout, beyond physical beauty?  Go as deep and as honestly as you can into this question...find the REAL reason you are doing this.  Is it about looking great, feeling great, being healthy, strong, vibrant, flexible, is it about learning discipline, having love for yourself, being inspired and inspiring others?  WHAT is it that is going to drive you to commit to the workout on the level that is right for you?  There is an answer within you that will get you going!  For some it will be pig headed discipline for others simply doing it each day for any period of time, what is it for you?  The next question is, what is holding you back?  What is it that is keeping you from really going for it with all the passion in your heart?  What is it that stands between you and what you really want in the method?  Knowing what this is will allow you the freedom to make more choices about how you are going to succeed.

I leave this post with a post from last week that I wrote, to remind you of the journey!!

Can I just say that this method is a process, a journey and that no matter how long you have been doing it your body continues to shift and change shape as long as you are doing this method..we have the wiggly jiggly phases..we have the holy bajesus where did the cellulite on my arms come from..we have the cellulite body suit phase..t...he sharpe puppy phases...and the tight and hot phases in between..I am here to tell you that these phases come even when you are really fit with TAM, they just change form and shock factor. Ever time I hear myself say..god god WHAT is THAT, I quickly change it to WAHHHOOOOOOOOEEE..look at me gettin ready for another metamorphosis, another body tuck, another hot body moment. Stick with it, love yourself where you are at and know that you are kick as just for doing this method!!

from my heart to yours...


Sunday, May 1, 2011

thoughts in the night...

Happy know I woke up at 4am with my son...who then cried for awhile until I took him to our room..LONG after he had fallen asleep I layed awake just flowing with inspiration and words and things I wanted to write.  I thought get up Shanti, write this magnificent stuff down..but I didn't and while the feelings of the words are forever blazened on my soul..I have forgotten the actual words themselves.  I ask myself should I have gotten up, not worried about the lack of sleep, trusted that I would not be tired but instead full of energy by letting the real me flow?  Interesting question if you ask me.  Trusting in my inner guidence, the universe, god, the goddess whatever the name we give the divine essence is easy and since we are all a spark of this eternal divineness we should inherently trust in ourselves knowing that we carry the answers to what we seek. 

I am going to say that all holy men of all scriptures went on a LONG journey..through many trials and tribulations, deviod of close relationships(exept to the divine), to come out in the end realizing that all the travel..all the sacrafice...while helping on the journey were completely unneccessary because the answers they were seeking where actually within THEM all along.  It is in our ordinary lives that we find the extraordinary miracles of love, friendship, life, death, joy, anticipation, is in our ordinary hardships that we learn to expand who we are, to become closer to one another, to accept the now and live in this very moment.  And in each of those moments..every single one..each of us carries the divine within us..the answers to all of our questions if we are willing to get out of the way and just listen...accept the love of our beating hearts and know that standing alone we are perfectly imperfect and yet still connected to all that there is.

In this life I will never be complete, I will always be a work in progress and in the meantime I am commited to having a fantastic life..that is after all why I choose to come here to this place in order to experience deep love, happiness, joy and to share it with whomever and whatever I come in contact with!

From my heart to yours....

Saturday, April 30, 2011 a crazy feeling..

So I woke up today and thought..HEY...WOW..I have a what to do!!??  I am just incredibly proud that I did it..set it up and started is HUGE for me..kinda like before this I thought no way..blogging is not for me..its too takes too much has to be perfect(right..perfect does not exist..I know this but anyway)...what do I write about etc.

Well I am going to write about whatever I am going to write about..hehehe.  I will write about fitness..more specifically my journey with the Tracy Anderson Method.  I will write about what life coaching means to me and what I want to give by being one.   I will share everything I can about what I am learning about Human Needs Psycology because I truely believe it will make the world a better place and that every beautiful human being on the planet has the right to have emotional fitness and mastery as soon as possible..I believe that if these principles were taught in schools everywhere in one generation the world would be a much different place..full of whole humans all wanting to make a difference in there own glorious ways.

If you reading this know that I cherish you, I cherish your presence in my life.  I know that the love that beats in my heart for myself also beats within you.  I believe that we are all connected, for this minute, this day, this week, this month into eternity, whe are whole within ourselves and we also belong to each other.  Thank you for reading my words, for taking the time out of your already busy media filled lives to stop by and hopefully be filled up, given inspiration, relief, a laugh and every now and then something to ponder.

I am off to study, to gain wisdom and knowledge that is precious and oh so fleeting, everyday changes the way I view this precious life..what I thought I knew yesterday becomes something new today.  The future is full of wonder and the unknown..making it all the more interesting ;)

from my heart to yours...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Now that I know that this really works!! My first post..also posted on FB!

Ok..I think this is rather obvious but I feel the need to say it..these posts are my opinoin, my experience and my words..not to be mistaken for anyone elses..hehee.  These are also my thoughts as they come out, perhaps not so organized and totally chaotic so I love that you read it anyway..this is like my tracy diary of sorts.

Training boosts are little add ons for a problem area..add-ons to what  your currently favorite add-ons are a compiled series of pikes and planks for the abs that are like magic for my abs.  As a mother of four..abs have a special place in my heart..they did after all grow to massive proportions 4 times and then hang there pathetically giggling or is it jiggling(in my case probably both) to and fro..they still look VERY interesting when I am on all fours..thank god I am upright most of the day...the reason I say NEVER..not ever..should you look down your body while doing this me..just love yourself enough to either accept the wierd sharpe like skin down there or don't look at it...don't even get me started on the boobs!!(I love and appreciate my breast..the nourished and nurtured my babies for over 5 years of my life..amazing bags of human gold).  They will never be the same, I have come to terms with that..well..mostly.  I have added arm webisodes before and abs as well but I have not done any extra legs.  This will boost you for a SHORT amount of time..not something to be continued for too long..I do not longer than 20 days..and then I move on to no boosts for awhile..I have not done any boosts since before xmas.  But they are great if you can find what works for you!

Resets days and YES weeks.  ARE REALLY IMPORTANT!!  soo...sooo..soooo...important.  At least one day a week is necessary for your nervous system to intergrate the work you are doing.  At least twice a year if not more it would be a good idea to take 4-14 day off..enjoy yourself but do not exercise in the traditional sense..;)

Over training.  This is something that can happen..really..I am not kidding ;).  If you are doing 2 hour workouts..and you want to up your results..what are your choices?  Either up your intensity, your reps, your time and your energy.  That means even longer more intense workouts will be required in order for you to reach your peak.  Now it is perfectly acceptable to train like a mad woman for a period of time..say one month but then you have to take it back to a sustainable attainable workout.  This level will be different for everyone.  Overtraining can result in injury, loss of sex drive, extreme seriousness(meaning lack of FUN), loss of results(YES you read that right), and illness.  The most important skill to hone is the art of truely listening to your body.  Are you just tired and feeling lazy or is your body exhausted and in need of a break?  Are you really hungry or just sad or pissed off or feeling self pity?  Do you really think your body needs that whole entire cake(shanti?)?  Are you needing to take a break in order to feel motivated again, take a breather, relax or do you need to step up and kick your own arse?  If you listen your body it will tell you exactly what you need, every time, and sometimes that means eating the whole cake because your soul says so.(even if you feel like an elephant the next day ;)).

I know I said I would write about mind set..but know..the four kids thing is kinda loud right now and because I want to give this my full is important to me..I will wait until tomorrow!

Thanks for hangin in there with me...believe me..if I can do can YOU!!

the we go! here I am..all a bloging...crazy..took about 5 minutes to set this up...wahhhooooeeee!!