Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sometimes..I mean really....

Do you ever get to a point where you are doing it ALL and then you just STOP.  And then you wonder what do I do now..if I am just still for one moment..will the sky fall in..what do I do with my thoughts?  How do I just be, how do I stop doing the doing and start BEING as in human BEING not human DOING?  Is this a womens issue or do men do it too..go go go go go..never stop because then you might actually have to FEEL, or worse SEE things for how they REALLY are....magnificent and whole and great even when you don't DO everything, even when you aren't the one and only laundry goddess out there or the most important of important child minder, or the most sought after childrens dinner maker, because those THINGS are just a way for you to have problems and things to be caught up in instead of living a wonderful life...I mean..could you live without underwear for awhile? Or eat fruit for dinner? Or let the kids run wild?  I think you could..yes I do and I think it might even be really could even get everyone to wash their underwear in the sink..when they needed new ones..imagine how much time that would free up for you to ENJOY yourself..oh the possibilites!!

Life is for ENJOYING not just getting do we forget this??

from my heart to yours...

1 comment:

  1. This is so true and the gabriel method cd the living goddess really helps with this
