Monday, June 20, 2011

My wisdom..she comes once a month..and leads the way.. I will be getting a little personal here with you beautiful women..and the few men brave enough to enter ;).

I have decided to call the BIG red event of my monthly WISDOM. Not my rag or my aunt or my period or my you-know-what(sorta like he-who-must-not-be-named in Harry Potter?) not my flo..unless it is my flo of wisdom. This event that happens in my life and that of most every other woman on the planet once a month for years of our lives is so unfortunately misunderstood in western culture.

It is a time when our bodies so naturally call out for quiet and solitude, not because it is something dirty or wrong or strange..instead it is a time for inner reflection and listening. I watch women all around me and many times myself run around acting like their wisdom is not happening..some even taking their birth control pills in such a was as not to have them at all. Going through those few days as if it is not there. And what happens? Headaches, bitchiness, feelings of isolation and that noone understands us, respects us, soothes us, love us, general sadness, depression and unexplained anger. Are these not all signs..gently whispering..take a step back, listen to me, rest, reflect, love me, nurture me, FEEL me..which are mostly ingnored and in turn create 'symptoms' of a DIS-ease many call PMS!

For me, PMS is a signal that I am not LISTENING, that I am not taking care or even remotely nurturing myself and while, during the rest of the month, I can seemingly get away with not doing those things for myself..when my wisdom comes she speaks loudly to the depths of my soul..waiting patiently for me to hear her. She KNOWS so much. And she has a power that is left many months untapped and underappreciated only to return with patience and wait to be heard.

I morn for those of us that do not see our wisdoms for what they are. A cleansing, a rejuvination, a life energy in renewal, a blessing, a glorious adventure bringing us closer to ourselves each time, a healthy phase, access to a wisdom we carry with us always that bubbles up and reveals itself so clearly if we choose to see it.

So I am relating to my wonderful time of the month as my wisdom, my glorious guide to the depth of who I really am.

From my heart to yours...

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