Friday, May 27, 2011

Getting sick..WHAT is that??

ummm..when we get sick..what does that mean?  nice question huh?  do we need to slow down, take better care of ourselves, hydrate more, eat healthy foods, take vitamens?  do we need to start REALLY listening to our inner wisdom or do we need to stuff ourselves full of phamacuticals so that we can get on with our LIFE?

hmmmm...for each of us the answer will be different, depending on the circumstances.  When is it ok to go to work sick?  When is it ok to infect others? Will the world fall apart if we exit it for a week or two or more?  Will everything come to a standstill because WE are no longer functioning?  Are we sooo important that we cannot stop..not even for a moment to access the cold or flu or OTHER sickness we are encountering?  Why not just go to bed for a week..arrange others to take care of us..stop being bossy and important and just BE in the sickness until our spectacular bodies heal themselves because we are giving them the space to do so.

I get sick when I stop being me, when I start getting frustrated at someone else(meaning one of my many munchkins or even my heart, my love) being sick, or angry at everything in particular...and this time I got really won't go away and I keep DOING instead of BEING..heck..I KNOW what I must do to recover and yet I do not..pawf...I keep running around like the sky will fall in if I stop and take a step back and breathe and just really FEEL the pain, experience this illness, instead of running from it and creating an even uglier monster sickness that is holding on to my body for dear life...

Yesterday, I began the withdrawel..the slowdown..the recovery..I can do this..I am worth it..and so are you when you are sick!

How do YOU do being sick??  I would love to know!!

from my heart to yours..


  1. For me being sick is always related to an emotional component being off in my life. There is usually something that I am not being full honest about or something I am letting bother me that should not. It is always about me not realizing my full potential and not fully loving myself. It is very hard for me to slow down and rest so stopping exercise while sick is very hard for me and a lesson in self love. I am awful when I am sick just a terrible person because I want no help as soon as i accept the help and rest I am better so you would think that I would learn and I am its just a journey.

  2. I hear you ANNE!!! We get stuck in the pattern of being too important to accept help and TRUST others and the universe with everything ELSE. This is the message of my sickness..that I am integrating as often as I can...'when things get hard, when you get angry, when you feel sorry for yourself, that is the time to OPEN your heart MORE, not to retreat or let fear take your heart MORE and MORE and MORE and let the healing begin'..thank you brutal monster cold..thank you!

    And thank you soooo much Anne for sharing! love and hugs
