Saturday, July 2, 2011

...there is no failure...only experience... strange to accept.  Really? 

You mean I did not fail when I dropped my two year old on his head?  No, you learned how better to hold him when he is an angry ball of limbs(like a football).

You mean I did not fail when I could no longer stand my spouse and opted for divorce?  No, you learned, what the pain of such an experience means for you and for those around you, you perhaps learned what you really need in a relationship, what you truely desire, and how to move on when what you thought was the worst that could happen has passed and you are still standing.

You mean I did not fail when I didn't workout ALL of last week?  No, you perhaps learned what it means for you to miss moving your body, perhaps your mood was off, perhaps you did not feel as vibrant OR perhaps you learned that that particular workout does not have juice for you and you simply need to look in another direction, perhaps you learned that not working out hurt you more(in your head) than simply working out.  Perhaps you learned how to be kind to yourself..perhaps you found understanding for yourself and learned that you do not HAVE..that all is a choice.

You mean I did not fail when I did not finish my degree?  Nope.  Perhaps you learned that the very reason you were getting THAT degree fell away after time, perhaps you learned that it would not help you in your ability to be happy, perhaps you learned that for YOU there were better roads to travel, perhaps you learned that NO piece of paper can define who you are.

You mean I did not fail when my house was not cleaned and the laundry not done?  No, nope.  Perhaps you experienced playing with your kids, being outside, drinking a cup of tea, chatting with friends, making love, reading, enjoying life.  Perhaps you learned what is really important for YOU and that the mess will always be waiting so it can wait just a little bit longer so that you can ENJOY the fun side of life.  Perhaps you learned that if you don't do it all, others begin to pick up the pieces and perhaps you learned that a clean house does not define WHO you are.

I would LOVE to hear your experiences!!

from my heart to yours....

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